Friday, October 14, 2005

OK, so I thought that I would never do this, but everyone else is blogging, so why not? I don't even know what I will blog about. Maybe stuff about being a parent. Maybe stuff about work. I can't write like Kirsten, and I don't know about as much cool stuff as Adam, so my blogs will probably be comparatively boring. Oh well. My office is freezing cold and it causes me to type like a klutz. Typing with ice-cold hands reminds me of starting my old Mustang on any given Utah winter morning. I usually had to wake up an extra 30 minutes, in preparation for the morning events.

1. Pop the hood
2. Spray insane amounts of starting fluid in the carburetor
3. Crank engine over and over, pumping gas peddle.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 at least three times.
5. Once started, let car run for five minutes. But remember, it doesn't idle so this requires me to stay in the freezing car with my foot on the gas.
6. repeat steps 1-4 after the car dies on side of road en route to the elementary school to drop off the girls.
7. Wave to half of Mt. Pleasant as they drive by, gawking out the window of their jacked-up Dodge Ram.
8. Start thinking that driving a jacked-up Dodge Ram would be a luxury compared to this.
9. Slip and fall on ice while attempting to kick Mustang really hard out of frustration.
10. Tell Maddie and Emma to shut up and stop laughing. They continue to fight over front seat.
11. See Eddie booking down the road towards us. He is totally stoked, but wearing out fast.
12. Walk rest of way to school, yelling at Eddie to go back home.
13. Finally arrive at school, smelling like starting fluid.
14. Walk into class, cold and snowy, looking like I just finished making snow-angels in the yard.

I am sure that Adam can relate to this. Moral of story: never buy a mid 80's Mustang unless you have replaced the Carter-Weber carburetor with something that works.
First blog = complete.


Regirlfriend said...

Ry guy...
Go to your settings and under the "comments" tab, turn on the word verification feature. It helps block spammers like that.

And what a great blog!!! I was laughing out loud. Keep it up.

Adam said...

I teared up from laughing. The Carter-Webber trials are well known to the male progeny of Thomas R. Howell.

And I loved the Eddie reference "totally stoked, but wearing out fast"

Marianne & Clayton said...

Oh, what bittersweet memories. I loved it all. It smacks of our family in a way that nothing else does. Mmmm. Mustangs.