Thursday, October 20, 2005

When we were in Florida (post Hurricane Katrina), we stayed with a friend who has a Lasso Apso dog. Jordan hadn't had much exposure to dogs before this, and instantly became infatuated. Everytime he would see the dog, he would light up, and go nuts! He had just picked up the saying "Hey There" and for some reason started to say that everytime he would see the dog. I took it upon myself to teach Jordan how to bark. I guess I still have this fantasy notion that dogs and babies totally talk and chill together behind the adults backs. Now, Jordan barks and shakes his head in a upward-diagonal motion at the same time. It is pretty funny. Also, we found that when the dog was around, there was no need to entertain Jordan at all. He would crawl after that poor dog all night long and it never got old. Score! Anyway, all this was too cute and seeing how much joy this brought our son got us talking about getting him a puppy, possibly for Christmas. We returned home to Louisiana, and really missed the interactions between Jordan and the dog. The next time we happened to come across someone with a dog, Jordan freaked out with excitement so much that we couldn't wait any longer to get a puppy of his own. Together, Ashley and I started doing our research on what kind of puppy is best for young children. We found exactly what we wanted and started looking for breeders locally. Yesterday, I felt a little spontaneous and contacted a breeder in Mississippi (closest I could find for this breed), and felt good about purchasing from them. 3 hours of driving later, we picked up our 9 week old West Highland White Terrier and named him Griffey. He played with Jordan in the back seat on the way home, which made the drive a little easier for everyone. Griffey was licking Jordan's fingers and outstretched hand from his car seat, evoking squeals and laughing that I have never heard from Jordan to this day. It was the cutest thing I have ever witnessed.


Regirlfriend said...

This just made my day!

I remember when Jordan came to visit and when he was fussy and didn't seem to like me very much, I took him to the garage door (behind it was Eddie, perched and waiting tirelessly for anyone to open the door and acknowledge him) and opened up the door to find Eddie shaking, frantically wagging his tail and darting his attention in every direction at once in his uncontrollable excitement. Jordan instantly stopped fussing and just sat in curiosity. He reached out and tried touching Eddie, grabbing and pulling the fur (sorry Atch, that dog hair will NEVER come out of clothes). Eddie's excitement died instantly and he immediately tried acting like he didn't notice Jordan. He wouldn't make eye contact with either of us. Which intrigued Jordan more. Eddie was so jealous!

It's interesting to me because dogs and babies are on wavelengths we don't give them credit for. Without me making any affectionate physical gestures to Jordan in front of Eddie, the dog could still sense adoration for Jordan somehow. Which made Eddie bitter and indignant and completely aloof to Jordan. I swear I saw him roll his eyes! It is a mix of sad and hilarious, but more than that, it's telling...babies and dogs are both at the height of innocence. I would kill to be there watching Jordan squeal!

Adam said...

That top picture is the most adorable photo I've seen.

Marianne & Clayton said...

The hurricanes are a punishment for keeping that perfection of a little boy away from us. I don't want you to feel bad that you caused mass know, you can repent and bring him back to Utah and keep the wrath of God off of your neighbors, or you could be selfish and wet. No biggie. JK. I love you guys and need to fly out and play with you soon. -Annie